
Сообщения за май, 2018

DISCIPLINA a multifunсtiоnаl blосkсhаin

In tоdау’ѕ world more thаn ever before the idеа of life long education — a соntinuоuѕ search fоr nеw ѕkillѕ throughout уоur lifе — is becoming mоrе аnd mоrе relevant. The nееd fоr thiѕ аriѕеѕ frоm thе fact that ѕеаrсhing fоr new ѕkillѕ саn imрrоvе уоur quality Intrоduсtiоn «I’ve been рrеdiсting thаt bу 2030 the largest соmраnу on thе intеrnеt iѕ gоing tо be an education-based company thаt we hаvеn’t hеаrd оf уеt» DISCIPLINA — nеw blосkсhаin from соrе developers of Cardano and TeachMePlease Thоmаѕ Frey, the senior futuriѕt аt the DаVinсi Institute оf life by mаking you knоwlеdgеаblе аbоut the current есоnоmiс аnd ѕосiаl сhаngеѕ. Thrоugh thiѕ уоu саn bесоmе mоrе рrераrеd fоr сurrеnt rеаlitiеѕ, and thuѕ hаvе a biggеr роtеntiаl bоth оn the cultural аnd рrоfеѕѕiоnаl level. DISCIPLINAiѕ a multifunсtiоnаl blосkсhаin for the рrоjесtѕ in educational аnd rесruiting ѕрhеrеѕ. It рrоvidеѕ thе trаnѕраrеnсу оf wоrk and сrеаtеѕ conditions of mаintаining confidentiality аnd reliability of

Ethereum Slot Machine – мобильная игра типа “Однорукий бандит” для блокчейна Ethereum!

 На сегодняшний день с уверенностью можно сказать о том, что Ethereum Slot Machine (eSlots) является первым воплощением мобильной игры такого типа, как «Однорукий бандит». Приложение осуществляет работу в сети Ethereum, что позволяет играть, используя криптовалюту. Главной задачей команды, которую они ставят перед собою является привлечение инвесторов для финансирования постоянных разработок ПО на протяжении всего проекта. Платформа уже имеет рабочую версию приложения, с которой можно ознакомиться более детально. Теперь пришло время более детально ознакомиться с тем, как работает платформа. Принцип работы Сеть Ethereum, которая была построена на технологии blockchein не является быстрой и производительной. Поэтому специалисты провели ряд определенных исследований и пришли к выводу, что в дальнейшем работоспособность будет осуществляться по следующей смешанной системе: Будет применено промежуточное хранение информации для всех результатов игры. Через определенное время ил

Photochain the next generation of photostocks

Introduction to Photochain Today blockchain technology enables a global network of people to perform transactions of different kinds, peer to peer, without the need for a central governing authority. These latest innovations offer opportunity to people to cross-check these transactions safely and securely at any time. Using Ethereum blockchain Smart Contracts, people tend to create digital agreements circumventing the requirement for a third party. Both relevant parties shall comply with the standard conditions of the contract which can be easily verified on the blockchain being decentralized, tampering is prevented. Photochain is a peer to peer platform, releasing new ideas for a next generation stock photography platform. Photochain will be a carrier for fair trading of digital works between artists and buyers.The terms of use ensure a secure, easy to use and fair trading process for both parties. Artists will receive up to 95% of the final selling price of own digital


P1.png Introduction The market is wicked and does not have room for friendly gesture or emotion. Well, this wickedness or cruelty only affects the market but not applicable to consumers, as everything a consumer does involves a bit of emotion. Being an emotional entity in the market has its own merit and demerit. We always have a clear vision about what we want and stay focus until we achieve it in any way possible. The biases, beliefs and intentions define the nature of the job we are going to do in our life. The banking and financial institution of the world have made it clear that they stay only focus to their growth and has no care or love for the customers. Reaching out to everyone and offering them services that everyone else gets is not their priority. The developing countries are at the bottom of the food chain, where they do not have access to the time and resources that developed countries have. The time has come for the redistribution of attention towards people who ne

Betrium - Platform Worldwide Betting Exchange With Blockchain Technologies

The Gambling Industry is developing and moving towards. Gambling already takes a part in most people lives and the Market Review illustrates this. We do not respect traditional betting services due their unfair conditions and other problem. As 2017, the global regulated gambling market is about $533b. The betting market accounted for $70b in global gross yield. The unregulated sector is many times larger. Today’s online betting services have a several disadvantages: They’re not worldwide and allow withdrawals in limited countries only. Most of betting services does not accept cryptocurrencies at all. They take high commissions. Some of betting services automatically take taxes on personal income. Makes profit for beneficiaries only. Slow bets processing. Any solution powered just by Ethereum blockchain simply can’t provide the speed required for professional betting/trading on sports. Crypto-currencies volatility. What is a Platform Betrium.? Betrium is a Platform that o